How To Train For A 5k In A Month
In between rest for. Record important training dates on your calendar. 3 Week 5k Training Plan Snacking In Sneakers Sign up for a local 5K. How to train for a 5k in a month . Like a detailed road map a quality workout plan gets you from point A to point B with maximum efficiency and minimal chance of injury. In addition during the month youre training make sure to eat clean and drink plenty of water 810 cups a day. Download and print your tracker. Some people have a strong foundation and can run a 5k race any given weekend. Over the next couple of months extend the amount of time you spend running and decrease the amount of. About a month and a half ago my dad told me about this local running group doing a C25K program in preparation of a 5k race in June. As with losing fat or building strength having a plan is the best way to train for a 5K in a month. They meet twice a week starting out at a mile. Start to add in short jogging intervals of 30 to 60 seconds for e