Isometric Exercise Definition
Isometric exercise is one method of muscular exercise. If you have high blood pressure isometric exercises are not recommended as the increased muscle tension tends to increase blood pressure. Isometric Exercises 7 Moves For Your Shoulders Abs Legs And More Isometric exercise definition exercise or a program of exercises to strengthen specific muscles or shape the figure by pitting one muscle or part of the body against another or against an immovable object in a strong but motionless action as by pressing the fist of one hand against the palm of the other or against a desk. Isometric exercise definition . Isometric exercise also known as static strength training is a type of strength training in which the length of the muscle doesnt change and theres no visible movement at the joint. In contrast isotonic exercise occurs when a contracting muscle shortens against a constant load as when lifting a weight. Isometric exercise training lowers resting blood pressure and improves local b